29 November 2019

I recognise the commitment and determination of those taking part in the climate change Solidarity Sit Down in Newcastle today to highlight the Morrison governments unconscionable lack of action on climate change.

If there ever was time to act on climate change, it is now, as we witness some of the most severe and widespread fires Australia has ever seen.

While no weather event can be attributed directly to climate change, there can be no question that it is feeding longer, more intense weather patterns and an increased likelihood of natural disasters.

This isn't about politics. Its about scientific reality. Climate change is real and it requires real leadership to address it.

The Morrison Government urgently needs to get over its pathological aversion to science and take meaningful action on climate change.

Regretfully, the Liberals have not only failed to deliver an energy policy and set a wholly inadequate emissions reduction target, but they've also set about trying to axe every mechanism put in place by the former Labor Government to assist.

Labor went to the last election with a strong plan to reduce emissions and meet Australias climate targets. Regretfully, we weren't able to form Government.

While Labor remains deeply committed to real action on climate change, its the Morrison Government that must ensure that Australia does its share to avoid a global climate catastrophe.

I encourage students and activists to keep putting strong pressure on the Morrison Government to act in the interests of the planet and future generations, as I and my Labor colleagues will continue to do.