07 February 2018

Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon has laid responsibility for the looming crisis in private health at the feet of the Turnbull Government in a speech to Federal Parliament this week.Ms Claydon made the call on the back of the release of the annual ACCC Private Health Insurance Report which showed that costs and dissatisfaction continue to grow. This weeks ACCC report on the state of private health insurance in this country found Australians paid an extra $1 billion in premiums between 2015/16 and 2016/17, Ms Claydon said. Dissatisfaction also soared, with complaints increasing by 30 per cent. At the same time, exclusions continued their relentless rise. Ms Claydon accused the Turnbull Government of doing nothing and reiterated Labors commitment to make private health insurance more affordable and effective. While this out-of-touch Government will do anything to protect the profits of multinational insurers, Labor will shift the balance back in favour of consumers, Ms Claydon said. We will cap health insurance premium increases at 2 per cent for two years, saving families an average of $340, and task the Productivity Commission with a thorough review of this issue, focusing on the value, quality and affordability of private health insurance. Ms Claydon also urged to Novocastrians to help shape the future of Australias private health system by sharing their thoughts and experiences in a national survey. Labor is asking Australians to share their experiences of private health insurance to help us shape a better, more affordable and effective system. I encourage all Novocastrians who care about the cost and value of private health insurance to have their say at