15 February 2019

Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon has joined in solidarity with the recently sacked workers from Newcastle and surrounds at rally in Canberra to save Australias shipping industry. The seafarers are among 80 who lost their jobs when Bluescope and BHP dumped the last two Australian-crewed coastal bulk iron ore carriers last month.The treatment of these hard-working seafarers has been utterly shameful they were on the high seas thousands of miles away from home without any support or union representation when they found out theyd lost their jobs, Ms Claydon said. Many of these seafarers have families and mortgages. Now theyve been kicked in the guts, and will almost certainly be replaced by foreign workers on as little as $2 an hour. This is corporate greed at its most corrosive. Tighes-Hill based seafarer David Grant was in the middle of the China Sea on the MV Mariloula when the email came through to the ship saying BHP had cancelled the ships contract and the crew had lost their jobs. It came out of the blue. And it didnt help that we were in the middle of the ocean with terrible internet so it was really hard to get any information or contact our families, Mr Grant said. We took a two-year wage freeze because they said they couldnt afford to pay us. Now, when theyre recording bumper profits, they turn around and sack Australian workers. Mr Grant, who had worked on the MV Mariloula for three years, said hed love to stay working on the water. Ive been on the sea for seven years and thats what I want to continue doing. But if we keep going this way, were not going to have an Australian shipping industry - full stop, Mr Grant said. Id like to see a cabotage model that prioritises Australian workers with Australian conditions on Australias coast. You cant bring a foreign worker to run goods by road. Why are they allowed to do it on the Blue Highway? Ms Claydon said the Morrison Government is totally complicit in these job losses. Since the Liberals came to power they have relentlessly attacked the Australian shipping industry and tried to install legislation that would encourage companies to sack their Australian crew and hire foreign workers on as little as $2 an hour, Ms Claydon said. The Morrison Government needs to stop granting temporary licences for routes like the ones travelled by the MV Mariloula and MV Lowlands Brilliance that are clearly permanent. This is a blatant abuse of the intent of the legislation. Ms Claydon said the revitalisation of Australias shipping industry would be a core priority for Labor if it wins Government. Aussie seafarers are among the best in the world but the Liberal Government has worked tirelessly to do everything they can to undermine these jobs. As the largest island nation, a strong national shipping industry is critical to the environment, to our skills capability and to our national security. Video of the seafarers is available at htps://