14 September 2018

A national ballot has opened for tickets to the National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse.

Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon, who sat on the Reference Group for the National Apology, said it was part of the Governments response to the findings of the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse in institutions.

"The Royal Commission brought to light the terrible abuse of thousands of children at the hands of those who were charged with their care," Ms Claydon said.

"The Apology will provide an historic opportunity for the Parliament of Australia to acknowledge the wrongs of the past, and, on behalf of the nation, say sorry."

Ms Claydon said she expected that many people from the Newcastle-Hunter region may wish to attend the ceremony.

"For many survivors the National Apology may be an important part of the healing process," Ms Claydon said.

It will be delivered in Parliament House in Canberra on 22 October.

Ms Claydon said tickets would be available to survivors and people personally affected by institutional child sexual abuse, including victims families.

"Seating at the event is limited so 400 tickets will be allocated through a ballot process," Ms Claydon said.

There will also be some financial assistance available for travel and accommodation costs.

Entry to the National Apology ballot is available at

For more information call 1800 604 604 (Monday Friday, 9am 5pm).