MEDIA RELEASE: The Abbott Liberal Government Abandoning Shipbuilding

16 July 2015

The report in today’s Financial Review “Abbott’s defence promise puts 2021 surplus at risk” is deeply concerning for the future of shipbuilding in Australia and devastating news for shipbuilding in Newcastle.

The report states that “There would be one shipbuilder only, based in Adelaide, meaning the futures of facilities in Newcastle and Melbourne would be uncertain”.

Federal Member for Newcastle, Sharon Claydon MP, is calling on Tony Abbott to confirm what his Government’s plans are for the future of shipbuilding in Newcastle.

“This Government is destroying our vital shipbuilding industry and destroying local jobs.”

“610 jobs have already been lost at Forgacs in Newcastle. Hundreds more jobs are in danger. This uncertainty must end.”

These jobs are very high-skilled manufacturing jobs – men and women with expertise not only in the respective trades but in highly specialised defence manufacturing.

Labor had a plan in 2013 that would have maintained industry capacity, created jobs and maximised value for Defence acquisitions, but the Abbott Liberal Government seems intent on decimating Newcastle’s proud shipbuilding industry.

This Government’s lack of strategic foresight has created a crisis in our shipbuilding industry.

The Abbott Liberal Government must take action to secure our shipbuilding industry.