MEDIA RELEASE: Sleeping Out for a Cause

23 June 2016

Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon will join CEOs and senior executives from across the Hunter region tonight, sleeping out to raise awareness and much-needed funds for people experiencing homelessness.

Fifty-seven CEOs have registered for the 2016 Newcastle Vinnies CEO Sleepout to be held at Hunter Stadium, with more than 1,500 CEOs registered for the event nationally.

More than $70,000 has been raised by Newcastle CEOs so far, providing much-needed funding for assistance, meals and bed nights for people experiencing homelessness.

“Homelessness isn’t just an issue for the capital cities. There are more than 1,000 people in Newcastle sleeping rough every night,” Ms Claydon said.

“I’d like to pay tribute to Vinnies for their CEO Sleepout initiative, providing CEOs and community leaders with a first-had glimpse of what it’s like to sleep rough, and also educating us on the challenges faced by homeless Australians and the incredible service providers who support them.”

“While spending one night out does not even closely compare to trying to find somewhere dry and warm to sleep every night, raising awareness and much-needed funds for the 1000 Novocastrians sleeping rough every night is a very worthy cause.”

Ms Claydon highlighted the impact family violence has on homelessness.

“Family violence accounts for around one third of all of homelessness, with women and children particularly impacted.”

“We need to address the cultural and systemic factors that lead to homelessness but we also need to invest in resources and front-line help to support women and children fleeing family violence.”