MEDIA RELEASE: Six Tests for Scott Morrison in the Hunter

11 August 2021

Scott Morrison likes to have the red-carpet rolled out for him when he visits the Hunter region, because for him it’s always about the photo-op and never the follow-up.

The people of the Hunter region want and deserve real leadership. They want solutions, not more spin, scams and so called ‘plans’ that go nowhere.
But from this Prime Minister, that’s all they get.
Whether it’s local jobs, essential healthcare services, or critical infrastructure projects, the Hunter has been forgotten by the Morrison-Joyce Government. 
If Scott Morrison was any friend of the Hunter, here’s what he would do today:

  1. Work collaboratively with the NSW Government to allow the Port of Newcastle to realise its full potential;
  2. Put an end to the threat of oil and gas drilling off our coastline posed by PEP-11 once and for all;
  3. Save our GP Access After Hours service - with proper funding and resources to ensure the sustainability of this essential healthcare service in our region;
  4. Apologise for stuffing up the vaccine rollout leading to the NSW Liberal National Government stealing our vaccines;
  5. Provide the skills and infrastructure needed to develop hydrogen production and export;
  6. And accelerate investment in crucial road infrastructure projects.

No more empty talk Mr Morrison. It’s time to deliver. 
Any failure to do so, will be a very heavy burden for the Hunter region’s social and economic prosperity.