MEDIA RELEASE: RAAF Williamtown Works a Boost for Local Jobs

05 June 2015

Local employment will receive a much needed boost as construction officially commences today on the new Air Combat Capability facilities at RAAF Base Williamtown.

The works at the Base will see more than $1 billion invested in the region with about 1000 people employed during the construction phase that will last for the next five years.

Federal Member for Newcastle welcomed the commencement of works and highlighted the benefits it will bring to the region, particularly during the construction phase of the project.

“The project will see an investment of more than a billion dollars into our regional economy,” Ms Claydon said.

“With a dearth of investment by the Abbott Liberal Government into our region at a time when unemployment is at decade-long highs, this project is very much welcomed.”

“As a member of the Public Works Committee who approved these works I am very proud to see the project come to fruition and look forward to watching it progress over the coming years.”