MEDIA RELEASE: Plant a Tree for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee

21 February 2022

The Queen’s longevity is providing an unexpected opportunity for Novocastrians to ignite their green thumb.

Local groups and organisations are being urged to apply for up to $20,000 of funding to hold commemorative events that will see regionally appropriate trees planted to mark the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, in 2022.

There is $100,000 of grant funding up for grabs across the Newcastle electorate.

This is a terrific opportunity, but I know the $100,000 will disappear fast. This program provides grants ranging from $2500 to $20,000 for up to 10 projects in Newcastle.

One catch is the trees have to be at least two metres tall when they mature, and there needs to be a formal event with a commemorative sign or plaque.

Each Federal Member of Parliament has been charged with identifying and nominating suitable projects, so I’m calling for groups and organisations to put their hand up to apply for the funding.

Eligible groups include not-for-profit organisations – such as Scouts or Girl Guides – Landcare groups, government and non-government schools, P&C associations and other community groups, as well as local councils.

I’d encourage those who might be interested in putting forward a project to have a look at the program guidelines at

Interested groups and organisations should lodge expression of interest by Friday 25 March 2022. Further information is available at or by contacting my office via 4926 1555.