MEDIA RELEASE - Nominations open for 2022 Newcastle Volunteer Service Awards

12 May 2021

Im very pleased to be opening nominations for my 2022 Newcastle Volunteer Service Awards today as we celebrate International Volunteer Day. Its been a tough couple of years for our community groups and organisations, but they have continued to work tirelessly for our community, ensuring that no one is left behind. Again and again, Novocastrians have gone out of their way to ensure that the most vulnerable in our community are protected and that they have access to the things they need, when they need it. The spontaneous creation of neighbourhood groups and the overnight transformation of local cafes into community kitchens and corner stores has been life-saving for many. Novocastrians demonstrated that, when the going gets really tough, we come together to support each other. This year I have been lucky enough to witness firsthand the amazing efforts of our local community volunteers. Whether it's in community kitchens providing vital food services to vulnerable or disadvantaged Novocastrians, packing and preparing food hampers for newly arrived Afghani refugees or the amazing volunteer efforts to keep our valuable wetlands and waterways clean and vibrant. I encourage Novocastrians to take 10 minutes out from their busy lives to nominate someone that they believe has offered outstanding service in our community. If you want to nominate a special volunteer, fill in the online nomination form by Friday 28 January 2022. Volunteers are the lifeblood of our community, but too often they dont get the recognition they deserve and thats exactly why these awards are so important. As always, at the end of the selection process, I will host a presentation ceremony to celebrate the incredible contribution of these dedicated volunteers to our community. While the final shape of this ceremony will necessarily be determined by the health orders of the day, all award recipients, and those that nominated them, will be invited to participate.