MEDIA RELEASE: Newcastle Volunteer Service Award Nominations Open

25 June 2019

Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon MP is calling on Novocastrians to nominate a local volunteer for recognition at the 2019 Newcastle Volunteer Service Awards.

Ms Claydon said that when it comes to volunteering, Newcastle punches above its weight.

“The rate of volunteering in Newcastle was above the state average and higher than other metropolitan cities,” Ms Claydon said.   

“I’m constantly in awe of the time and effort people devote to helping others and building better communities, not asking a thing in return.

“Whether they’re helping coach the local sporting team, supporting vulnerable people or patrolling our beaches, volunteers enrich our community every single day.”  

Ms Claydon said that the nominated volunteers would be recognised at a special awards event.

“Volunteers are the lifeblood of our community, but too often they don’t get the recognition they deserve,” Ms Claydon said.

“These awards are a great reminder of what an amazing city we live in, and what fantastic community spirit there is.

“I’d encourage everyone to consider nominating one of the exceptional volunteers who make such a difference to our city each and every day.”

Award nominations are open until Friday 2 August. Nomination forms are available at

For more information, call Sharon’s office on 4926 1555.