MEDIA RELEASE: New Zealand Flights Confirm Newcastle’s Place as International City

19 July 2018

Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon has welcomed the announcement of new routes between Newcastle and New Zealand.

Ms Claydon described the new Auckland / Newcastle flights, which will run over the summer period, as a ‘game changer’ for the region.

“I’m absolutely thrilled that Newcastle will be Australia’s newest international gateway,” Ms Claydon said.

“The new routes will help to build Newcastle’s flourishing reputation as a modern international city and destination of choice.”

Ms Claydon said there were many benefits for passengers who choose to fly into Newcastle from New Zealand.

“A direct flight to Newcastle offers a world-class destination without all the congestion and chaos that people can experience in Sydney.

“When you couple this with our glorious beaches, stunning natural environment and exceptional food and wine offerings, the benefits are clear.”

Ms Claydon said the new flights would be a boon for the region’s tourism sector.

“These 13,000 extra seats that these flights offer provide a fantastic opportunity to build our tourism sector which will lead to more jobs and increased economic activity,” Ms Claydon said.  

“I am sure this will be just the first of a number international routes which we will see our region go from strength to strength.”