MEDIA RELEASE: Major Research Funding Win for Newcastle

13 November 2015

The University of Newcastle has attracted $18.5 million of Federal Government research funding in the latest round of National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) grants.

The funding will be spread across 21 research projects and eight research fellowships aimed at solving some of Australia's most crucial health challenges.

The funding allocation is the largest awarded to any regional university in Australia and reaffirms the University of Newcastle as a national leader in health and medical research.

Projects benefiting from the grants will fund research into a range of medical areas and conditions, many that are prevalent in our community including stroke, chronic back-pain, dementia and asthma.

I congratulate the University of Newcastle and it's tremendous cohort of researchers and administrators. These NHMRC grants are due recognition of their skills and expertise on the national stage.

I look forward to following the progress of their research which will benefit so many in our communities, both here in Australia and abroad.