MEDIA RELEASE - Inquiry backs Labor's call for urgent homelessness plan

08 April 2021

At last some Liberal politicians are listening. A bit. Today, the Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs tabled its Final Report on the Inquiry into Homelessness in Australia, recommending a ten-year national strategy on homelessness. Labor has committed to a National Housing and Homelessness Plan if we win the next election. Its good to see Liberal backbenchers listening to what Labor has been saying. Now we just need Scott Morrison to listen to them, said Jason Clare. Deputy Chair of the Committee, Sharon Claydon MP, added "whilethe Morrison Government has been tone-deaf to the dire circumstances of so many Australians who need a safe roof over their heads, this report demonstrates that the need for national leadership has never been greater. Disappointingly this report doesnt tell Scott Morrison what he has to do right now to reduce homelessness thats build more social housing, Jason Clare said. The Committee received mountains of evidence about the urgent need to increase investment in social housing, said Sharon Claydon. There is less public housing today than there was ten years ago and less federal funding. No wonder there are more homeless Aussies today than ever before. There are lots of things we need to do to reduce homelessness one of them is build more social housing, Jason Clare said. Thats why a future Albanese Labor Government will create a $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund to build social and affordable housing. Over the first five years it will: Build 20,000 new social housing properties, including 4,000 homes for women and children fleeing domestic and family violence and older women on low incomes who are at risk of homelessness; Build 10,000 affordable homes for the heroes of the pandemic frontline workers like police, nurses and cleaners thatare keepingus safe; Provide $200 million for the repair, maintenance and improvements of housing in remote Indigenous communities, where some of the worst housing standards in the world are endured by our First Nations people; Invest $100 million in crisis and transitional housing for women and children fleeing domestic and family violence, and older women on low incomes who are at risk of homelessness; and Invest $30 million to build housing and fund specialist services for veterans who are experiencing homelessness or at-risk of homelessness. This will create jobs, build homes and change lives.