MEDIA RELEASE: Government Throws Shipbuilders Overboard

02 March 2016

The Abbott-Turnbull Government’s decision to send the build of two new Navy supply ships offshore has cost another 150 Australian jobs, this time at Forgacs in Newcastle.

Labor’s first thoughts are with the affected workers and their families who are dealing with the anxiety and uncertainty of losing their jobs.

At its peak, Forgacs employed 900 highly-skilled workers who are now without a job.

This is a devastating blow for the people of Newcastle and the wider shipbuilding industry.

The job losses at Forgacs come after more than 1,000 jobs have already been lost nationwide from our strategically vital shipbuilding industry.

Malcolm Turnbull and Marise Payne are following the same policies that Tony Abbott inflicted on Australian shipbuilding and its workers.

Instead of fixing Tony Abbott’s mistakes, Malcolm Turnbull has done nothing to rectify the damage his government has wreaked on Australia’s shipbuilding industry.

Australia now risks losing its critical shipbuilding capabilities.

The Liberals have been too busy fighting over their own jobs instead of working to secure a viable future for Australian shipyards and their highly skilled workers.

Only Labor has a credible plan to build the Navy ships and submarines Australia needs.