MEDIA RELEASE: Energy Job Cuts to Hit Newcastle CSIRO

24 June 2020

Close to forty energy jobs are set to go at the CSIRO – with up to nine coming from Newcastle’s energy research flagship, the CSIRO Energy Centre.

Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon has slammed the cuts, saying she was ‘deeply concerned’ about the impacts on the capacity of the Energy Centre.  

“The scientists at Newcastle’s CSIRO Energy Centre are at the absolute forefront of driving innovation in the energy sector,” Ms Claydon said.

“It’s unconscionable to be cutting staff in an area of research that is so critical to our region and our nation.”

Ms Claydon said that the decision to diminish national energy research capacity was ‘unfathomable’.

“As we grapple with the urgent need to assess and plan for our future energy needs as part of the move to a low-carbon economy, it is short-sighted beyond belief to be slashing our world-class energy research capacity,” Ms Claydon said.

Ms Claydon said any energy research job losses would compound the impacts of the lack of a national energy policy.

“The Morrison Government’s failure to deliver any sort of coherent national energy policy has repelled investment and stopped the creation of thousands of jobs in regions like ours,” Ms Claydon said.

“Even before these cuts, the CSIRO was set to lose more than 500 jobs by the end of this financial year.  I call on the Minister to step in and stand up for these important local and national jobs.”