11 June 2015

6 November 2015 Schools in Newcastle will be hit hard by the Turnbull Liberal Governments $30 billion in cuts to education. First the Liberals walked away from years five and six of Labors Gonski reforms, and then they linked school funding indexation to the consumer price index from 2018 which will result in the biggest cut to school funding in Australias history.It is estimated that Newcastle schools will be more than $195 million worse off because of the cuts over the next ten years cuts that will impact every student in every school in the region. By not funding the vital Gonski reforms, the Government is locking in mediocrity, inequality, and an uncertain future for our children. Today I visited Kotara High School, to see for myself the difference that resources from Labors Gonski reforms are delivering to our local schools. Things like smaller class sizes, more in-class support for students, and intensive literacy and numeracy programs. Labor introduced the Gonski reforms, and we are committed to a sector-blind, needs-based school funding system. The right of every Australian to access a quality education regardless of background, circumstance, or location is the cornerstone of our social and democratic traditions, and the key to our economic success. We will fight the Liberal Governments cuts every step of the way because every child in every school deserves support to achieve their best. ENDS 6 NOVEMBER 2015