MEDIA RELEASE: Budget Wish #7 - Restore Funding to Newcastle’s Schools

05 February 2018

Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon has called on the Federal Government to restore millions of dollars cut from Newcastle schools in the upcoming Federal Budget.

Ms Claydon said the Liberals have ripped $17 billion out of school funding across the country.

“Newcastle schools are losing an average of $350,000 in 2018 and 2019 alone. This means fewer teachers, less individual attention and less support to help kids achieve their potential,” Ms Claydon said.

“Worse, the harshest cuts are being borne by the schools that can least afford it.”

Ms Claydon said independent data from the Parliamentary Budget Office confirmed that the Liberals’ cuts hit public schools hardest.

“Public schools wear a massive 86 per cent of the cuts, despite being responsible for educating the majority of our disadvantaged kids,” Ms Claydon said.

“If that wasn’t bad enough, we learnt recently that Mr Turnbull’s been busy doing more than 100 secret deals to give more cash to elite private schools from a $7.1 million slush fund.”

Ms Claydon said Labor had committed to repair the damage done by the Liberals.

“Labor has committed to restoring the $17 billion the Liberals have ripped out of our schools. We will also ensure that the neediest schools will get the largest increases in the shortest time,” Ms Claydon said.

“Education is one of the best ways we have of driving economic growth, not tax cuts for big business and multinationals.”

To see what individual schools in Newcastle are losing, visit

Ms Claydon will be counting down her top ten Budget Wishes in the days leading up to the Federal Budget on Tuesday 8 May.