MEDIA RELEASE - ACCC Calls for feedback on the National Broadband Network

12 August 2016

12 August 2016 The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) wants to hear from Novocastrians who have experienced problems with internet speeds on their National Broadband Network (NBN) connection. The formal Consultation on broadband speed claims has been launched in response to the disruptive and chaotic rollout of Malcolm Turnbulls second-rate Fibre-to-the-Node NBN, where many Newcastle residents and businesses have not received broadband speeds promised under the NBN.Member for Newcastle, Sharon Claydon, welcomed the consultation process having called for an investigation earlier this year. My office has effectively been an NBN complaints hotline since Malcolm Turnbulls mess unravelled in Newcastle, Ms Claydon said. I called on the ACCC to investigate the issues being experienced and welcome their intervention. Its bad enough that Novocastrians are being saddled with Malcolm Turnbulls second-rate NBN, but to be further misled about the networks quality and performance, is punishment that we do not deserve. The ACCC is particularly interested in cases where consumers have not received the broadband speeds they anticipated under their NBN agreement or where users feel they have been misled about the quality and capabilities of the broadband options available to them. Ms Claydon encouraged anyone who had experienced problems with their NBN service to make a submission to the consultation. Its important that the ACCC receive all the information available regarding the problems that weve experienced here in Newcastle. While it appears as though our city will have to put up with Malcolm Turnbulls second-rate NBN for the foreseeable future, the current situation is untenable. I am committed to continue the fight for a reliable, fast broadband service for Newcastle to ensure we can take advantage of the booming digital economy. Submissions to the consultation can be made online at