MEDIA RELEASE: Labor Reintroduces High Speed Rail Planning Authority Bill

12 October 2015

Today I seconded a Private Members Bill introduced to the House of Representatives by Shadow Transport Minister, Anthony Albanese, to establish an authority to progress delivery of a High Speed Rail Link between Brisbane and Melbourne via Newcastle, Sydney and Canberra.

The High Speed Rail Planning Authority Bill would allow for detailed planning of the visionary project and would begin to secure the corridor for the line before it is built out by urban sprawl.

High Speed Rail down Australia’s east coast would revolutionise interstate travel and turbo charge economic growth in the regional towns and cities along its path, including Newcastle.

It is estimated that travel between Newcastle and Sydney would take just 39 minutes on High Speed Rail.

But High Speed Rail is much more than an improved mode of inter-city transport, it would also be an important driver of economic development and jobs growth in our region.

Mr Albanese introduced an identical Private Member’s Bill in 2013 but it lapsed because former Prime Minister Tony Abbott refused to facilitate its debate in line with his irrational bias against railway projects.

With his successor Malcolm Turnbull more open to Commonwealth investment in rail, Labor has reintroduced the Bill and urges the new Prime Minister to get behind this important project in the national interest.

The former Labor Government conducted a comprehensive study into the proposal which identified a 1748km corridor and declared the project was viable.

The former Government also appointed a High Speed Rail Advisory Group that included former Deputy Prime Minister Tim Fisher and Business Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott and the head of the Australasian Railways Association, Bryan Nye.

The panel recommended the establishment of a planning authority including representatives from the Queensland, NSW, Victoria and ACT Governments, as well as representatives of local government and railway experts.

The Bill introduced today reflects those recommendations.

The planning authority would consider land use planning; safety issues and environmental impact. It would also facilitate public consultation.

As our nation experiences the effects of a growing population, increasing demand for travel and the shift toward carbon-constrained economies, High Speed Rail will become increasingly attractive over coming years.

We need to start planning now to make High Speed Rail a reality.