27 November 2019

As the public forum of the Aged Care Royal Commission wraps up in Newcastle, Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon has called for more action from the Morrison Government.Ms Claydon said she has been shocked and appalled by revelations fromthe publichearings and forums. Older people deserve quality care that safeguards their wellbeing and dignity, but we are seeing mounting evidence of unthinkable neglect and systemic failure, Ms Claydon said. Im very pleased that the Royal Commission is giving people a chance to speak out and seek justice at the highest level. Ms Claydon said that older Australians have been failed by an overstretched and under-resourced system. Ever since Scott Morrison ripped $1.2 billion out of aged care in his first Budget, hes continued to fail older Australians, Ms Claydon said. The fact that 120,000 Australians remain languishing on the waiting list for home care packages is appalling. Ms Claydon said the Morrison Governments promise of an extra 10,000 home care places is grossly inadequate. This is nothing but a stop-gap measure that will barely keep up with the new demand, let alone address the backlog, Ms Claydon said. People are being forced into residential care facilities at great expense when they would prefer to stay at home, while hundreds of Australians are literally dying each week waiting for their packages to be fulfilled. This is inexcusable. Older Australians deserve better and the Morrison Government needs to stop stalling, quit making excuses and start delivering for the Australian people instead.