23 August 2024

Newcastle motorists are getting a glimpse of progress on the Hexham Straight Widening project with the first girder now lifted into place over Ironbark Creek.


Piling work for the new bridge has been underway since February and now the first of 65 precast girders has been slotted into place.


This is the next step in creating the 84-metre-long, 17.1-metre-wide, southbound bridge, which has four spans.


After the southbound bridge is built, it will be used to temporarily take four lanes of traffic – two northbound and two southbound – while work is carried out to build the new northbound bridge.


When both structures are complete, each bridge will carry three lanes of traffic.


The project is expected to be open to traffic in 2026.


This is part of the $2.24 billion M1 Pacific Motorway Extension to Raymond Terrace from Black Hill, which is receiving $1.79 billion in funding from the Australian Government, with the balance funded by New South Wales.


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Quotes attributable to Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King:


“The Hexham Straight Widening project is one of several significant infrastructure projects being jointly funded by the Australian and NSW governments in the Newcastle and Hunter regions.


“Combined with the M1 extension to Raymond Terrace, this will significantly improve the way motorists travel to, from and through Newcastle.


“It shows how governments working together can ensure the essential transport routes for this growth area are expanding to meet the needs of locals, visitors and the freight industry and to make our roads safer.”


Quotes attributable to NSW Minister for Roads John Graham:

“This is the last piece of the puzzle - these vital improvements to the M1 and Hexham Straight, combined with the Coffs Harbour Bypass, will complete a free-flowing route between Sydney and Brisbane, more than 800 kilometres without a single traffic light.


“The upgrade will ease congestion for the 50,000 vehicles that use this stretch of road between Maitland and Newcastle every day.


“It’s great to see work well underway on the new bridges over Ironbark Creek. They will improve traffic flow and road safety in general in Newcastle and the Hunter.


“Since major construction started in June last year, the team has also been working on barrier installation, line-marking adjustments, geotechnical investigations, clearing, drainage and utilities works, along with pavement reconstruction.”


Quotes attributable to Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon:


“It’s an exciting time to be living in Newcastle with so much work going on to improve our transport network.


“I’m looking forward to being able to drive along this six-kilometre stretch between the Newcastle Inner City Bypass and Hexham Bridge when it’s widened from two lanes to three in each direction, relieving congestion at this notorious bottleneck.


“Having the first of 65 girders in place on this new southbound bridge is a real sign of progress, and I know Novocastrians who drive this route daily will get great satisfaction from seeing the bridge grow.”


Quotes attributable to Federal Member for Paterson, Meryl Swanson:


“These road works will free up a major choke point in our region and demonstrate our ability to deliver nationally significant infrastructure that will be an enormous benefit for local commuters.”


Quotes attributable to NSW Member for Newcastle Tim Crakanthorp MP:


“I’m thrilled to be here today. We know the Hexham Straight is a crucial link for motorists and freight operators.

“This project, and along with the M1 Pacific Motorway extension to Raymond Terrace, will ensure safer, smoother and more reliable journeys for the people who rely on this road to get to work, school and medical appointments.

“This is a major milestone for the Hexham Straight Widening project which, once complete, will transform the way people travel to, from and around Newcastle and the Hunter.”

Quotes attributable to NSW Member for Wallsend Sonia Hornery MP:


“This is such a vital project that will make life a lot easier for people living in Beresfield and Tarro in particular, but also for commuters, tourists and travellers from our region and broader.


“This is a crucial step in this project. I’m so glad that the NSW and Commonwealth governments are ensuring this enormous infrastructure project is getting done for our region. It will truly make a difference.”