10 June 2020

Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon has slammed the Federal Budget, saying it fails to deliver the investment that Newcastle needs now to weather the economic storms ahead.Its deeply disappointing not to see any support for new projects like the University of Newcastles STEMM building or the Port of Newcastles Deepwater Terminal. Instead of funding these priority projects, Mr Morrison chose to bail out his Liberal State Government friends from having to fulfil their promise to fully fund the Newcastle Inner City Bypass. While I welcome funding for the final stage of the Inner City Bypass, I want to see a guarantee that the funds the State Government promised Novocastrians still end up in Newcastle. Ms Claydon also welcomed the cash payments for income support recipients, but said they wouldnt compensate for the Governments cuts to JobKeeper and JobSeeker. The Morrison Governments decision to slash JobKeeper and JobSeeker payments is ripping close to $25 million out of Newcastle each and every fortnight. A single one-off payment to income support recipients wont come close to filling this massive hole, Ms Claydon said. While the tax cuts will see the average worker benefit from an extra $50 a fortnight, millions on JobKeeper have seen their income slashed by $300 a fortnight. Ms Claydon said she was also disappointed with the lack of support for highly-impacted industries. Theres precious little targeted support in this Budget for the hardest hit industries and those that the Morrison Government deliberately excluded from JobKeeper. The arts, local government, universities, aviation, tourism and casual workers have all been left to fend for themselves through the deepest recession we've seen in almost a century and this budget offers little relief. Ms Claydon said it was disappointing to see the Government turn its back on tried and tested stimulus methods, despite blowing debt out to one trillion dollars. There wasnt an extra dollar in the Budget for childcare, for renewable energy, or for social housing despite the fact that we know that these areas deliver the greatest bang for buck when it comes to economic stimulus and sustained community benefit, Ms Claydon said. Worse, the Budget locks in the Morrison Governments plans to rip $1 billion from universities at a time when theyre already on their knees. Universities should be central to driving our economic recovery, but this Government seems intent on delivering the fatal blow. The Governments belated commitment to new apprenticeships rings especially hollow when you consider their failure to deliver on their earlier promise for an extra 300,000 apprentices and traineeship places. Why should we believe them now?